Having completed shared readings of “Collective Courage” and “Jackson Rising”, we are breaking from the Study Group to develop projects which have been proposed by the Working Group including a forum, zine, gallery, and web series. Over the course of 12 weeks, a core group of participants have endeavored to make deep study and exchange thoughts about Dr. Jessica Gordon …
People Powered Money: Designing, Developing & Delivering Community Currencies
“In regionally diverse and digitally advanced economies – whether local, national or sectoral – there is no one-size-fits-all money. What is more, though money evolves along with social and technological changes, it must not be forgotten that people ultimately control its path. In towns, regions and online networks people have quietly been creating their own currencies for decades: testament to …
The New Wealth of Time: How Timebanking Helps People Build Better Public Services
“Our public services remain largely focused on addressing needs once they have emerged. In essence, over the last 10 years due to increased funding in public service we have improved our capacity to ‘pull people out of the river’. This money has improved the lives of many people, but as financial resources are squeezed it becomes vital that we stop …